
Happy Thanksgiving

Hi everyone! Hope you're having a great day! :)

We've wrapped up our Thanksgiving dinner, and are just relaxing... Just wanted to pop in and say hi!

We have so many things to be thankful for every day, but one in particular is this spunky 4 1/2 year old. Almost two years ago we were told that there was a possibility she might be Autistic, or at least fall on the spectrum somewhere. That was a hard day. As a parent, I think you can't help but have hopes and dreams for your child and their future, so when you hear that they might have a neurological disorder that will forever shape who they are, those dreams go right out the window (and new ones take their place). I just keep trusting in the Lord and doing my part, and I know that everything's going to be okay. Lindsay is perfect the way He made her, and I can't imagine my life, my family, without her. All things work for good for those who love the Lord. Romans 8:28

We just had our parent/teacher conference this past week, and Lindsay's doing amazing in pre-k. The very same girl who had speech/communication delays is a non-stop talker who's met all of her goals on her IEP, and is excelling in language arts. I always said she was really bright (LOL, but what mom doesn't think their kiddo is a superstar?!), and it was so awesome to get validation by her teacher and be told that she should be in GT classes. I am just so thankful for early intervention, and am amazed by her progress in the past couple years. WTG, Linds!!


  1. OMG, she's adorable, Heather! What a sweetheart! Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  2. OMG, Heather! Your little girl is beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Beautiful picture! Glad to hear things are going well. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! See you Sunday. -Jen

  4. She's adorable! I used to work in EIBT. It's wonderful to hear a success story! :) What a blessing!

  5. You have such a great testimony! Love how strong you held to your faith... Romans 8:28 says it all. You've got a superstar little almost-5-year-old on your hands! :-) I can see why you are so thank ful! And little Miss is ridiculously adorable! :) Your eyes are identical! :)

  6. Heather, she's beautiful; such a lovely little darling and no wonder she's your pride and joy. You are right - trusting in God is always best. It's good to know that your little lovely is doing far more than expected; such a blessing! Thank you for sharing.

  7. What a sweetheart your dd is, Heather! I'm glad she's doing well! Glad you had a nice holiday.

  8. She's a doll. As a parent i can relate and as a lawyer in special ed for the Feds I'm thrilled to hear that the programs are working so well for your daughter!!

  9. What a sweetheart, Heather!! I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!! (Sounds like it was.)


Thanks for stopping by! :)